24 Jeffrey Drive South Windsor, CT 06074 | (860) 610-2030
Bahler Brothers Blog
This blog addresses many of the questions, issues and design options for paver and wall installations.
Decks | Hardscaping | Outdoor Living | Patio | Pavers | Pergolas | Project Design | Raised Patio | Retaining Wall | Retaining Walls | Steps | Walkway
Decks and Hardscapes in Harmony: How to Create Multi-Level Outdoor Living Spaces
Retaining Wall Installation | Retaining Walls | Wall Design
There are many reasons why a retaining wall can fall over. In our industry most, if not all, manufacturers of interlocking block have cross-section sheets on how tall of a wall you can build with their block - in good soils (gravels and sands) and with level compacted backfill. Many times installers will exceed those recommended heights, or there ends up being a slope above the retaining walls which adds a significant amount of extra pressure. If this is the case you have three options:
Take the frustration out of comparing bids from different landscape contractors with our Contractor Comparison Checklist
Built-in Grill | Driveways | Fireplace | Gas Fire Pit | Outdoor Kitchen | Outdoor Living | Patio | Pavers | Pool Patio | Project Design | Raised Patio | Retaining Wall | Retaining Walls | Steps | Transformation | Wall Design
Working with this customer was an incredible joy. They were not satisfied with their yard as it was so they called us in to help them out. It was amazing to watch this transformation unfold and now you can too!
Retaining Wall Cost | Retaining Walls
One of the first questions potential customers want to know when they call our company is : How much does a retaining wall cost? Although this is a very difficult question to answer over the phone, I will try to do my best here to explain some general pricing guidelines.
Fire Pit | Landscape Lighting | Outdoor Living | Pavers | Raised Patio | Retaining Wall | Retaining Wall Cost | Retaining Walls | Sitting Wall | Techo-Bloc
Wow! From Pool to Paver Patio. Wow! What a transformation! This customer came to us and said he was sick of the gunnite pool. His kids were all grown up and it was time to create a space they could not only entertain in, but also could enjoy by themselves. The stone wall that was holding up the hill side was also leaning forward and needing to be replaced before it got any worse. We sat down with him and worked on many designs, and finally came up with the perfect plan. Remove the pool, install a multi-level paver patio with a fire pit, landscape lighting, an area for their hot tub and landscape beds.
Retaining Walls | Sitting Wall | Unilock
Many of us have either seen clips like this on TV, the internet, or have witnessed it in real life. It is the sights and sounds of man-kinds' advancements in the world of technology and innovation. Sending a man into space is not only an incredible feat, but it also brings a new sense of respect for nature and it's beauty.